Be The Spark
Spark change with usSpark Change With Us
Now it is time to expand our reach.
Inner Life Foundation was established to provide information, material and opportunities for real, practical and effective means to partner with your inner Spiritual Self.
Those offerings and others that are developed will continue to be on this website.
Now, it is time to expand our reach outward rather than inward.
Noticing what others do not see
There is a class of individuals who are not only poor but invisible. This segment of the population exists in every corner of the world. They struggle to survive.
They may be old, young, of every age. The majority of them remain unknown and untouched. This plight has come to my (Janice’s) attention in a very unexpected manner…the way Spirit works, actually, and it made its point.
Join us in reaching out
I learned of an elderly woman I will call Elsa, who is poor, lives in a “glorified shack” lacking a very basic simple need: a way to keep her clothes and herself clean.
No agencies can help her…for whatever reasons I don’t know. Elsa must wash herself and her clothes in a 5 gallon bucket. Her washing machine will not drain. She paid for someone to fix it but they took the money and never returned. Her bathtub is cracked. And she has breathing issues.
The ceiling over the covered porch where the laundry equipment is located, was invaded by raccoons and collapsed. The visiting nurse, Charlotte, who checks on Elsa and her breathing equipment, no-iced that the TV, Elsa’s only form of connection to the world, was broken and that she sat for hours staring at its blank face.
From her own compassion and generosity, Charlotte bought Elsa a TV and subsequently, she shared Elsa’s plight with me. I was deeply moved and thought about giving money to the nurse for Elsa…but something inside stopped me.
Two days later I discovered why. In meditation. Divine Mother came to me and quietly reminded me that the Inner Life Foundation could be a source of help, not only for Elsa but others as well. A few texts later and we have a knowledgeable volunteer who can go to Elsa’s home to assess the damage and the probable costs involved.
It is amazing how people respond!
How you can help
Here is how you can respond, if you will. Monetary donations to Inner Life Foundation, a 501(3) (c) organization, are tax-deductible. Every penny of your donation will flow to Elsa’s plight. When Divine Mother opened my awareness, I heard the Biblical quote: Inasmuch as you have done this to the least of these, my brethren, you have done it unto me. Perhaps it is time for you, me, all of us to give to those who need us.
Please help! Go to the Spark section above and click the “Donate” button. This goes to an account set up for this Outreach. Give what you can. Every dollar counts.
I thank you on behalf of Elsa and others who may come our way. In these times of selfishness, self-centeredness, isolation and fear we must move out from chaos into the peace and healing of being part of something beautiful that is larger than ourselves.
As for purchasing any of the meditations, etc. offered on the website, that income goes to support the Foundation and its practical needs of IT assistance, marketing help, additional programs and paper for the computer.
We know you will find something there to fit your spiritual needs.
Huge blessings and deep gratitude, Janice Hayes and Jesse Rosario Founders, Inner Life Foundation